Work hard

Our vision is to be a market leading special event and wedding service worldwide.

We will do this by embodying our values and a being on the frontline of innovation and sustainability in all that we do

For our clients, it is one of the biggest days in their lives and we aim to exceed expectations at every opportunity - this involves hard work, attention to detail and determination to impress .

There is a great deal of satisfaction in turning an open field into the event space of someone’s dreams. As a team we have a common goal, each and every day - get it done, get it right, get along - go home. Repeat.

We invest in training to make sure every one of our team, no matter the role, has first-hand knowledge of what it takes to ‘be original’ – to create our magical, original, spaces.

A day on site

Play hard

At the end of the week, we like to ‘de-brief’ as a team. Talk about work, life, the weather, sport or the weekends activities. It’s an important part of our culture.

In 2023, beyond the de-brief, we planned several ‘full team’ events - this included an activity day in the Eden Valley, a cricket match at Charlbury CC, punting trips on the Thames, and the end of season trip to Manchester.

We start each the year with a team training and activity day, a chance to get to know the company, our values and your new colleagues before the season begins.

Partly to say thank you for your continued hard work throughout the season but also to give us all the opportunity to enjoy life, beyond tenting!